Author: Benjamin Blonder
New paper on woolly mammoth extinction dates and human impacts in Ecology Letters
When did woolly mammoths go extinct, and when and how did humans drive this extinction? We have a new lab paper out on this subject, led by Damian Fordham and with other senior colleagues from the Center for Macroecology, Evolution, and Climate, in Copenhagen. I made a fairly minor methodological and writing contribution. You can…
A lynching in Gothic, Colorado?
Who belongs in the mountains and towns of the intermountain west? I just wrote a long-form essay for Colorado Magazine exploring these themes, centered around the town of Gothic, where we now do work at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. It also touches on my personal history and the long history of political violence that…
Seeking your help collecting roots this autumn
We need field help! Our lab is starting up a project investigating the genetic basis of drought mortality in quaking aspen. We are going to be growing aspen genotypes in a greenhouse, and measuring their ecophysiological properties before and after experimental drought. As a foundation for the work, we are collecting root samples for propagation…
New paper: Cytotype and genotype predict mortality and recruitment in Colorado quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides)
How does genetics affect mortality and recruitment in quaking aspen forests? I’m excited to share several years of work with numerous students and collaborators that has just come out in Ecological Applications. You can read the paper at the journal or get a PDF. The study asks how cytotype (# of chromosome copies), genotype, and…