Category: Uncategorized
New paper: Shifting macroecological patterns and static theory failure in a stressed alpine plant community
(guest post by Juliette Franzman, recent UC Berkeley graduate) – read her paper in Ecosphere! Macroecological models often rely on the assumption that the system under study is static or changing slowly enough to be considered static. However, most real systems, especially those under some kind of stress, change over time as they respond to…
New paper on human impacts on food plant biogeography
(Post by lab graduate Carolyn Flower, M. sc.) We just published our open access study in Global Ecology and Biogeography on how human food use can potentially influence plant geographical ranges in the Sonoran Desert. The use of plants for food is one of the most important ways in which humans can increase distributions, via…
Research experience in ecology for K-12 teachers: summer 2021, $8000 stipend + travel costs + classroom supplies
NSF-RET, Ecology, Network Science, and Plant Ecophysiology The Macrosystems Ecology Laboratory at the University of California Berkeley is seeking a K-12 teacher to join our team in summer 2021 as part of an ecology project supported by the National Science Foundation. This Research Experience for Teachers (RET) would support lab and fieldwork based at the…