Category: Uncategorized
Undergraduate students present posters at Arizona conference
Congratulations to Ivanna Caspeta and Miguel Duarte, who both presented posters yesterday at the Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities annual conference. Ivanna and Miguel are both undergraduate students who are working in the Arizona State University part of the lab. The conference draws people from across the country, but luckily the conference was hosted…
Lab PhD student Courtenay on National Public Radio
Lab member Courtenay Ray has achieved a level of public recognition out of reach for most of us – she has just appeared as a listener guest on the National Public Radio show, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me! Please check out this week’s episode, where Courtenay shares some of her experiences as a plant ecologist…
Moving our lab equipment to California
With the lab moving between institutions this year, we have to transport several years’ of samples, data, and equipment from Arizona to California. After a long set of administrative actions to arrange for the purchase and transport of these items, our moving day finally came. I flew back to Arizona to meet our Arizona State…
New paper on functional trait overlap in invaded plant communities
(guest post by lead author Kenny Helsen) Invasive plant species are considered problematic in many parts of the world due to their impact on ecosystem composition and functioning. Invasion ecologists have tried to identify what characteristics make some species successful invaders, but others not. One theory that has emerged from this work states that invader…