Category: Uncategorized
New data paper: Leaf venation networks of Bornean trees
We have a new data paper out in Ecology focusing on tropical plant ecophysiology. The paper presents leaf venation networks for several hundred southeast Asian tree species. The dataset includes both raw images (approximately 50-70 megapixels per image) as well as hand-tracings of large regions of each of these images. A few examples are shown…
Student summer research in the mountains
The summer education program is coming to a close at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. We’ve had the pleasure to work with several excellent students this summer. Gavin Belfry (University of Tennessee) has been leading an independent project on seedbank dynamics in alpine plant communities. Deidra Johnson, our regular-year student, (Arizona State University) has been…
Wrapping up another summer – thanks to our undergraduate students!
(Guest post by postdoctoral researcher Dr. Luiza Aparecido) As classes at ASU are about to resume and I am back after nearly 2 months away from an international field campaign, I would like to take some time to acknowledge the brilliant students that assisted Ben and me in compiling our datasets and helping with field…
Guest post: Time is running out for sand
Lab postdoctoral researcher Lars Iversen and his partner Mette Bendixen just had their research on sand featured in Nature and the New York Times – Lars’ guest post follows below. Mette and I had a commentary article out in Nature last week. Here we argue that there is an urgent need for a global agenda…