Category: Uncategorized
Sharing the secrets of leaves
A few weeks ago our lab participated in ASU’s Open Door outreach event, sharing our research with families and children throughout the region. Here are a few photos of our team in action! Our biggest draw was our leaf tensiometer, which we use for studying the mechanical properties of plants (like force to tear). We…
The lab’s first ASU undergraduate research symposium
This week was the ASU School of Life Sciences’ annual undergraduate research symposium. Last year, my first at ASU, I attended the event and was surprised by the limited amount of field ecological research being showcased. This year, thanks to a lot of dedicated mentoring effort by lab members Courtenay Ray and Dr. Luiza Aparecido,…
Guest post: A mating war in diving beetles has stopped speciation
(Written by lab postdoc Lars Iversen) In nature, males’ eager attempts to mate with females can be so extreme that they will harm females. Such negative impact of mating interactions has been shown to promote the emergence of new species. This week, in Proceedings B, we publish a study exploring an alternative scenario in which…
Lab postdoc Lars featured in Nature Careers
Lab postdoc Lars Iversen and his wife Mette Bendixen have just written up a nice piece entitled “One couple, two cities: How to handle an international career move” for Nature Careers. Have a read at the journal!