Category: Uncategorized
Lab postdoc Lars featured in Nature Careers
Lab postdoc Lars Iversen and his wife Mette Bendixen have just written up a nice piece entitled “One couple, two cities: How to handle an international career move” for Nature Careers. Have a read at the journal!
From a single leaf to a sea of green: The predictive power of leaves for forest ecology
ASU Now just featured our lab’s work in a very nice piece written by Joe Caspermeyer and photographed by Deanna Dent (all images here credit to them). Check out the piece to learn more about our new NSF Rules of Life grant! Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Luiza Aparecido in the lab… Undergraduate students Sabrina Woo and…
Lab presentation at AGU: Evaporative Cooling Enables Desert Plants to Maintain Photosynthesis in Extreme Heat
Lab postdoc Dr. Luiza Aparecido will presenting our lab’s work on plant water use strategies at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in Washington, DC next week. If you are attending, come check out the great work she is leading up! Abstract ID and Title: 426630: Evaporative Cooling Enables Desert Plants to Maintain Photosynthesis in…
New publication: Empirical Predictability of Community Responses to Climate Change
We have a new paper out this week on the prevalence of alternate states in community dynamics. The study is led by lab postdocs Pierre Gaüzère and Lars Iversen. The main question was: how predictable is the composition of a community when the environment changes? A classic idea, common in nearly all forecasting applications, is…