Category: Uncategorized
New publication: A model for leaf temperature decoupling from air temperature
Sean Michaletz and I have a new paper out in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology on the drivers of leaf temperature variation and stomatal regulation. Leaf temperature is important in constraining photosynthesis and transpiration in plants. Variation in leaf temperature is also very high and often different from air temperature, meaning that plants often have physiological…
New publication: Late Quaternary climate legacies in contemporary plant functional composition
Global Change Biology just published our study of disequilibrium in plant functional biogeography. A classic idea is that the functional composition of plant communities is a function of contemporary climate – for example, warmer and wetter environment may support taller trees. However, this argument only works well if species respond quickly to climate change, such…
New publication: Microenvironment and functional‐trait context dependence predict alpine plant community dynamics
The Journal of Ecology just published our four-year study of community dynamics of alpine plants. The study is part of a multi-journal special feature on linking traits and demography. Predicting community assembly is one of the key goals of modern ecology – it is necessary for theory-driven land management, climate change forecasting, policy-making for invasive…
New lab letter in Science on field safety and harassment
Lab postdoctoral researcher and Carlsberg Foundation fellow Lars Iversen just published a letter in Science on field safety and harassment. It focuses on the role funding agencies have to play in promoting a positive research culture. It is a short and important read – you can see it directly at the journal, or download a…