Category: Uncategorized
New publication: Hypervolume concepts in niche- and trait-based ecology
Last week we had a review paper come out surveying uses of hypervolume concepts across ecology and evolutionary biology. You can read it at Ecography, or get a PDF copy. The manuscript explores how the n-dimensional hypervolume concept has been used since it was first proposed by G.E. Hutchinson (his fabulous illustration of squirrel niches…
New piece in Science: Without inclusion, diversity initiatives may not be enough
This week Science is featuring a student-led piece on inclusion and diversity in STEM fields. I was able to help facilitate this piece, and am very proud to see the voices and opinions that come through in its writing. The piece focuses on the need to acknowledge the unique experiences and needs of under-represented minority…
Welcoming the lab to Arizona State University
In a few months, the lab will be moving from the University of Oxford to Arizona State University’s School of Life Sciences. I’m pleased to announce the move, which will provide many opportunities to be more involved in the education and science outreach world in the United States – and also glad to keep up…
Snow, hail, and mortality on the mountain
A lot of change can happen in just one year. This field season was unlike any other I have seen in the years I have been monitoring alpine plants. A lot of dynamics happen on a mountaintop, even when the overall rhythm of life – snow, snowmelt, growth, snow – remains the same. The year…