Category: Uncategorized

  • BMC Ecology photo contest – landscape ecology

    BMC Ecology photo contest – landscape ecology

    I recently won a photography contest that I forgot I had entered. The image is of an endorheic lake basin at the Racetrack Playa in Death Valley, California. The contest is run through the academic journal, BMC Ecology. They say: Section Editor Michel Baguette was equally impressed by the variety of ecosystems that the image…

  • Find the bird

    Find the bird

    Last weekend I climbed Treasury Mountain, a massif of marine shales rising more than thirteen thousand feet above sea level. The endless slopes of loose scree are nearly bare – but not completely. Can you find the white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) in this photograph? The species lives on alpine tundra throughout the year, and is…

  • Sharing with others

    Sharing with others

    This summer I’ve been living in the Rogers Boggs cabin at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. There are four bedrooms, but I haven’t had any cabinmates for the past few days. That doesn’t mean the place is empty. I’ve been sharing it with a few wild visitors. A family of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) has…

  • Installing a research site

    Installing a research site

    Every day of the last week I have climbed the same mountain, bringing up cargoes of steel nails, aluminum tags, meter tapes, string, sandwiches, water, and everything else needed to install a long-term plant census site. The hike in is three miles and climbs from 9000′ to 11700′, rising from subalpine meadows through spruce forest…