Category: Uncategorized

  • Fighting over science

    Fighting over science

    Most academic publications go ignored and poorly cited; fewer make an impact or controversy. I recently had the dubious honor of two papers being ‘debunked’ in the scientific literature. My papers were focused on explaining the leaf economics spectrum – a global pattern that describes leaves use resources like carbon and nitrogen (Wright et al.,…

  • New paper: predicting climate from leaf venation networks

    New paper: predicting climate from leaf venation networks

    If you travel from the alpine zone to the lowland tropics, more than just the climate will change. Species composition follows changing environments: there is a reason why a Cyathea tree fern doesn’t live in Colorado but does live in Costa Rica. (Note of course that many millions of years ago, when the earth was…

  • An early summer for the snakes

    An early summer for the snakes

    The sound of a rattlesnake is unmistakable once you’ve heard it once. But this sound wasn’t on my mind when I almost stepped on one a few weekends ago. I was in the Santa Rita mountains of southern Arizona. The highest peak, Mt. Wrightson, looms 7000 feet above the Tucson basin. In late March, mountaintops…

  • Connecting Children to Science and Place in the Sonoran Desert

    Connecting Children to Science and Place in the Sonoran Desert

    (Re-blogged from a piece I wrote for the White House) My great-grandfather immigrated to the United States from China in 1915, at the age of 11. He soon became the owner of a corner grocery store in Tucson, Arizona, and stayed in the community for decades. Now, almost a century later, I find myself living…