Category: Uncategorized
Dissecting Cecropia
I’d like to introduce you to a very distinctive tree, straight out of Dr. Seuss. In the Puerto Rican rainforest here, you will often see Cecropia schreberiana (Urticaceae) with its long spindly branches and ringed white trunk spiraling up to the highest points of the canopy. It reminds me of a long metal hose with…
Hunter-gatherers or farmers?
A box full of fresh vegetables arrived at the field station today, courtesy of Georges and his new Puerto Rican community supported agriculture (CSA) group, AGROexpress. Yautilla, starfruit, tomatoes… finding these roots and fruits at my porch was a distinct pleasure. The food I (and probably you) eat is almost entirely grown on a farm,…
Walk with us for a day
When an ecologist talks about fieldwork, what do they really mean? I’ll share a few scenes from our forest dynamics project here in Puerto Rico for you, so you can see what a full day of work looks like. We stay at a small field station in the rainforest, and wake up early to plan…
A forest, from top to bottom
Imagine being in a skyscraper. Close the windows, and would you still be able to tell if you were on the first floor or the hundredth? Forest canopies are different – the top and bottom are entirely different world. Let’s go on a tour of Puerto Rican moist tropical forest, and climb twenty or thirty…