Quaking aspen forest mortality
Regional droughts have led to extensive mortality and range shifts in the keystone species, quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). We are investigating the genetic and ecophysiological basis of this mortality, and are using remote sensing methods to better predict future mortality. This work is based in southwestern Colorado.

Plant ecophysiological response to heat stress
Climate change is driving increasingly hot and dry conditions in many parts of the world. We are investigating how plant water and carbon use strategy may change in extreme environments, via work in deserts and seasonally dry tropical forests.

Scaling up plant traits to demography and distributions
We work to scale up plant functional trait measurements to performance, demographic parameters, and geographic distributions. We use a combination of ecophysiological and energy budget modeling approaches coupled to modern coexistence theory. Fieldwork includes monitoring and trait measurement campaigns throughout the world.
One long-term research site in Colorado (Mt. Baldy) has focused on detailed measurements of alpine plant community dynamics for the past six years.

Incorporating species interactions into community dynamics

Ecological and evolutionary drivers of vascular networks
Plants have leaves characterized by an intricate network of veins. These venation networks may play a key role in mediating plant performance via tradeoffs inherent to the construction of resource supply and distribution networks, and are a key example for understanding the general properties of other transport networks, e.g. urban systems. We are interested in understanding how the geometry of these networks reflects their evolutionary history and ecological context, to better use network traits to predict species functioning and distribution. We are especially interested in variation in reticulation (looping) within these networks. We develop conceptual and software approaches for quantifying these networks as well as carry out broad-scale trait measurements across environments and clades. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Rules of Life program and the Smithsonian Institution.

Hypervolume concepts in functional diversity and environmental niche modeling

Paleoecological and anthropogenic perspectives on community dynamics

Food plant biogeography
Humans may have shifted ‘natural’ baselines in many regions due to the dispersal of species for food usage. We are investigating the scope and impact of these influences in order to better understand the non-climate factors driving plant diversity in the past and in the future.

Macroecology of urban systems