Two undergraduate theses completed: congratulations to Martha and Miguel

This week the lab celebrated two undergraduate students from Arizona State University finishing their undergraduate thesis work, both co-supervised by myself and Dr. Luiza Aparecido. A few screenshots from the Zoom defenses are below.

Miguel Duarte wrote a thesis entitled, ‘Herbivory-driven impacts on desert plant photosynthesis depend on leaf traits’.

Martha Ryan wrote an honors thesis entitled, ‘The Relationship Between Leaf Temperature, Leaf Traits, and Sap Flow Rate in a Panamanian Tropical Moist Forest’.

Both of the thesis projects were major efforts, and both are going to be further edited and submitted to scientific journals, with our students leading.

Both students were supported by the The Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities (WAESO) Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation project.

Congratulations to Martha and Miguel!