Category: Uncategorized
Ladders and lightning
Field season in the Rockies is over, which means no more long days carrying heavy equipment up and down mountains in stormy weather. There is some pleasure in sitting at a desk working through data and manuscripts, but I mostly miss the work – challenges and dangers and all. Most involved ladders – and lightning.…
A growing debate over hypervolumes
Do too much fieldwork and a scientific debate can build up without you noticing. I’m wrapping up a summer in the Rockies and have begun to notice the growing interest and controversy over hypervolumes concepts in ecology. The debate has involved my own work, and it is exciting to trace the threads of its origin…
Rain and renewal
Summer in Gothic has been hot and dry, paralleling warming trends seen globally. Strong winds have been blowing dust onto every surface, and the biting flies remain. For two weeks we had no rain at all. Until a few days ago, when the monsoon returned, bringing moisture from the Pacific Ocean, and clouds to the…
Getting even with the biting flies
I spend a few days each week sitting in a meadow waiting for flies to bite me. Not by choice. The reason we are in the meadow is to measure plant thermoregulation with an infrared camera. But the camera, once we set it up, requires very little attention. Every few hours we change the battery,…