Category: Uncategorized

  • Summer is over

    Summer is over

    My field season is over now, but I could tell it was time to go. We tell the time by reading our organisms and need no calendar. In the high Rockies, the meadows have begun to die back – late season aspen sunflower (Helianthella quinquinervis) and silver lupine (Lupinus argenteus) blooms struggle along, but all…

  • Who do we include in ecology?

    Who do we include in ecology?

    A few weeks ago the Ecological Society of America’s annual meeting brought over five thousand scientists to Baltimore. It was the 100th anniversary – an event marked by an opening video address by President Obama and the highest-ever attendance at the meeting. In the halls of the conference center we became a sea of poster…

  • What lies beneath

    What lies beneath

    What do you see on this alpine slope? What you don’t see may be as important as what you do. You might see a rocky substrate with a very sparse cover of plants, all apparently similar. A few grasses and sedges, several asters, and a few other stragglers from other families. They are all short…

  • Getting to work

    Getting to work

    My commute to work this summer takes three hours each day. Most people have shorter journeys, but I don’t spend mine driving a car, riding a bus, or sitting in traffic. I walk. A mile and a half of road, then two and a half miles of mountain, climbing from 9500′ to 11600′. This is…