Category: Uncategorized
Safe delivery
A field campaign is not very different than a space launch. After seven weeks of fieldwork in Peru, I’ve returned from our expedition and have been contemplating the long journeys we made, laden with supplies and scientists. Like a space mission, we aim for inhospitable destinations in far-away places. The steep slopes of the cloud…
How to do ecology: the new handbook of functional traits is published!
Measuring plants is surprisingly controversial, and often very difficult. Consider, for example, deciding how to measure the size of a leaf: include the petiole or not? if there are multiple leaflets? if the leaf is ten meters long? Ask ten ecologists and you will likely hear ten different answers, all of which may seem appropriate…
Where ecological data come from
After a month of fieldwork in the eastern Andes, I have arrived in Cusco for a brief contact with the wider world and wanted to share a small vignette from this project. The overall aim is to predict carbon fluxes in forests using simple measurements. Dozens of people from several universities are working on the…
Leaf shrinkage on television
It is a rare pleasure to have a scientific study covered by the popular media. We got lucky with a recent publications on leaf shrinkage and climate. Inside Science TV, an educational channel produced by the American Institute of Physics, sent a film crew to our lab earlier this year to talk with University of…