Category: Uncategorized
Farm distribution
Denmark is a country where the grocery stores sell cucumbers and bell peppers individually shrink-wrapped in plastic, and økologisk (organic) can mean a small bag of vegetables flown in from Chile. But this is not the entire community – I’ve been exploring other parts of the food world, joining the equivalent of a community-supported agriculture…
Winter is coming
September still, but winter is coming. I spent last weekend exploring Amager, an island southeast of Copenhagen. There was a crisp smell to the air and a cool breeze blowing. Many trees, like these birches (Betula sp.) are beginning to drop their leaves. And other trees have already lost all of theirs. This part of…
A car-free life
I don’t own a car. In the United States, people are often surprised that I am able to live without one. I am a minority. Especially in western cities like Tucson, the necessities of life are too spread out to make this way of living common. It takes me extra effort to do simple things…
Museum cabinets
Science museums are often thought of as educational institutions, dedicated to broadening the horizons of the public. But museums also serve an important role as research institutions that make collections and store them. Until I began working in museums this past year, I wasn’t able to appreciate this fact. Biological collections represent invaluable data sources…